O'Neill Associates

(807) 344-5227

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Emily Slessor and Yamandeep Malhi are the summer students at OA this year, and are a welcome addition to our firm. Emily will be completing her Practice Placement with OA as well in the winter of 2025.

Emily will be entering her third year at the Bora Laskin Faculty of Law. In her first year of law school, Emily enjoyed working as a Pro Bono law student with Thunder Bay & District Injured Workers Support Group. In her second year, Emily honed her advocacy skills by working as a student caseworker at Lakehead University Community Legal Services (LUCLS). In her time at LUCLS, Emily had the opportunity to appear before the Landlord and Tenant Board. Emily is proud of the work being done at LUCLS and looks forward to returning in her third year. Before attending law school, Emily graduated from Queen’s University with an Honours degree in Global Development Studies. After graduating from Queen’s, Emily worked  as an Executive Legal Assistant at a Civil Litigation Firm in Toronto. Working at a law firm solidified Emily’s desire to pursue a legal career.  Outside of school/work Emily enjoys travelling, trying new foods, and playing sports.

Yamandeep will be a 2L student at the Bora Laskin Faculty of Law this fall. He is beyond excited to be learning about employment law at O’Neill Associates in the summer. Before law school, Yaman spent two years working as Vice President of Finance and Operations and Interim President at the Lakehead University Student Union. This experience allowed him to develop his leadership skills, learn the importance of working in collaboration and how to use strategic planning to achieve any desired outcome. Yaman received his undergraduate degree from Lakehead University in Honours Bachelor of Applied Life Sciences with a concentration in Biomedical Sciences. While his original plan was to attend medical school, he quickly realized his interest in advocacy. This interest was established in his role as VP Finance at LUSU. In the upcoming school year, Yaman will work as Vice President of Finance for the Law Student Society to continue advocating for the student body. Outside of work, Yaman enjoys going to the gym, playing volleyball and badminton, photography, hiking, hanging out with his family and taking his dog for a walk.

O’Neill Associates is always proud to support students from the Bora Laskin Faculty of Law (Lakehead University, Thunder Bay) through the school’s unique Integrated Practice Curriculum (IPC) Program. Most of the associate lawyers at OA are graduates of the Bora Laskin Faculty of Law. This is just a testament as to the exceptional talent being produced by this distinctive Law School.